I had a similar issue while extracting an elevation profile for a river. I think it's similar to your problem.

Afaik v.drape produces x,y,z vector map, if you need to export it, maybe you should use v.out.ascii. However, v.drape gives coordinates of points, NOT the distance between each point which I think you need if you want to get an elevation profile (distance vs elevation). To do this I suggest the following:

v.out.ascii of your 2d vector (road)
cat output_of_v.out.ascii | r.profile input=your_dem output=elevation_profile

Hope it helps

Hamish wrote:
yet another two methods to try-

(spearfish dataset)

# v.out.ascii | r.profile method

g.region -d
v.in.region sp_box
v.type in=t_powerlines out=t_powerline type=boundary,line
v.overlay ain=t_powerline bin=sp_box out=sp_powerline atype=line op=and
v.build.polylines in=sp_powerline  out=sp_powerline_pl
g.remove v=sp_box,t_powerline,sp_powerline

v.out.ascii in=sp_powerline_pl format=standard | grep  '^ ' | \
  r.profile -g in=elevation.dem res=30

# v.to.rast MASK method

v.type in=t_powerlines out=t_powerline type=boundary,line
v.category in=t_powerline out=t_powerline_with_cat option=add
v.to.rast in=t_powerline_with_cat out=MASK use=val value=1
g.remove v=t_powerline,t_powerline_with_cat

r.out.xyz elevation.dem
g.remove MASK

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