Nikos Alexandris wrote:

> in grass64 with snapping=0.1:
> time dsn=TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp out=tm_world_borders_03_snapped_01
> snap=0.1

TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3 is dirty but not that dirty, snap=0.000001 is in
this case a large enough snapping threshold.

> --%<---
> 3775 input polygons
> Total area: 1.480245e+14 (4647 areas)
> Overlapping area: 0.000000e+00 (0 areas)
> Area without category: 1.139301e+12 (1628 areas)
> real    0m52.400s
> user    0m49.730s
> sys     0m1.250s
> -->%---
> in grass70 with snapping=0.1:
> time dsn=TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp
> out=tm_world_borders_03_grass70_snapped_01 snap=0.1
> --%<---
> 3775 input polygons
> Total area: 1.37653E+14 (4375 areas)
> Overlapping area: 0 (0 areas)
> Area without category: 1.11988E+12 (1475 areas)
> real    0m53.130s
> user    0m51.160s
> sys     0m1.240s
> -->%---

Slight change in snapping in grass7: a vertex is snapped to the
closest anchor vertex, not to the first anchor vertex found which
might not be the closest anchor vertex. The aim is to minimize

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

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