Daniel wrote:
> I think what you are looking for are
> the interpolarion tools. They can
> be found in the menu Raster, under interpolate surfaces

Susana wrote:
> > I found tool "Tools for point layer (Herramientas para
> capas de puntos)/ Interpolate Raster (Muestrear capa
> raster)" in SEXTANTE, it is similar to "Surface Spot" of
> ArcGis, I need to found it, in Grass GIS 6.40ORC6, but I can
> not.
> > The tool interpolates heights for points in a feature
> class from a surface (ex: DTM). The point heights
> (interpolate heights) are stored in a field that's added to
> the input feature class.
> > Thank you for your answer

perhaps the v.what.rast or v.rast.stats modules?


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