Kim wrote:
> Hi there
>Regarding Hamish suggestion "You need to run db.connect to select a
> database backend to use first. (There is no VAR file in the mapset
> yet)
> The thing is: I have been using an WinGRASS6.4 binary version where I
> didn't need to do anything else. Just create Vector by doing this. So,
> my question is, why was this disabled? Or is it some error that only
> occurs in this release?

the GUI is making the assumption that the mapset will already have a
database link. I don't know when that started. This usually happens for
you when you first create a map in the mapset which uses a database table.
Modules should create that for you if it is needed, but some do not and so
the GRASS startup script for unix was changed to automatically set the
default if it wasn't set already. The Windows startup script does not set
the default DB for you (in the mapset's "VAR" file) apparently.
(see bug #7)

Perhaps if you start "GRASS with MSys" the unix startup script might be
used and then it might work from that mapset?? (not sure)

> About
> > hopefully fixed & ready for testing in 6.5svn r42988 (v.edit).
> Will it be available for 6.4 in Windows?

I am not totally happy with that work-around, once we decide on the
correct solution it will of course be backported to 6.4. GRASS 6.5 and 7
are for experimenting to find the best solution, which is the stage this
is currently at.


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