Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il>:
> > Samber's method will surely work, but you might more simply try as
> > follows:
> > 
> > # start grass in a location which matches the txt file data
> > # change to the directory where your txt files are, then do
> > for infile in *.txt; do outrast=`basename ${infile} .txt`; r.in.xyz
> > in=${infile} out=${outrast} fs=,; done

Hanlie Pretorius wrote: 
> This works nicely, except that my input files have names like:
> 3B42.000201.0.6.nc.lieb.txt
> 3B42.000201.3.6.nc.lieb.txt
> and I want the output rasters to be named
> 3B42.000201.0.6
> 3B42.000201.3.6
> In fact, it would be best if they could be named:
> 0201.0.6
> 0201.3.6
> I'm struggling with this string manipulation in the shell scripting
> language.

Try the following (note the backticks in the beginning before "echo" and in 
the end as well):

output=`echo "${infile}" | cut -d"." -f2,3,4 | sed 's/^00//'`

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