On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 16:52:06 +0200
Nadine Jeschke <blauba...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello to all,
> I have a question about how to change UTM zones in grass.
> One of my maps is projected in UTM 44 and another map, that I´d like  
> to blend with the first one, is in UTM 45.

This question comes up often. What you need to do is create two
separate GRASS LOCATIONs, one for UTM 45 and one for UTM 44. Then
import the data into the correct LOCATION (UTM 45 data into that
LOCATION, UTM44 data into the other). And finally, use the v.proj or
r.proj modules to reproject all the data into a single LOCATION. 

Note that if you choose to project data from one UTM zone to another,
there will be distortion. It might be best to choose some other third
projection (not UTM at all) which minimizes distortion across the width
of your area of interest. 


> So in the display window they are located in different areas, but  
> they should lie on top of each other for the blending...
> Is it possible to change in GrassGis the zone from UTM 45 in 44 ? If  
> ist is, I need a step by step instruction because I´m not that firm  
> with GrassGis.
> Thanks a lot for any helping information!!!
> best regards
> Nadine_______________________________________________
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