On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Adam Dershowitz, Ph.D., P.E. <
adershow...@exponent.com> wrote:

> I am interested if anyone has used GRASS with data from Mars, or any other
> non-earth based system?  I don't see any epsg codes that would apply.
> So, I am looking for some general ideas and guidance to get going.
> If anyone has used GRASS this way, please let me know about your
> experience, useful links, or other things that might be helpful to deal with
> some of the existing planetary data, and how to use it.
If you aren't aware of this project, take a look:


I'm sure you'll find some interesting ideas there.
As I understand it, ISIS 2 and ISIS 3 formats are compiled in GDAL by


I got a reply from Hamish about this a while back:
I'm not doing anything with Isis, but it's easy to plot up MOLA data
with GRASS + NVIZ:

A tutorial to do that is in GRASSNews Vol 1.


Hope this helps,

L. Prevett
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