For the record:

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Nikos Alexandris
<> wrote:
>> katrin eggert wrote:
>> > Last week someone mentioned at this mailing list the r.seg segmentation
>> > from here:

It is now in GRASS-Addons.

>> > I have contacted the author but he didn't replied. Have anyone ever used?
>> > or know someone that have used? :)

We are using it here in my group now, seems to work well.

> On Sunday 13 of June 2010 18:48:55 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
>> I've came across 2 problems:
>>   1. I can't get in installed (using grass64 from svn). The compilation
>> seems to run fine (so it should be usable) but after that, when I try to
>> "sudo make install" I get the error:
>> "make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop."

Fixed in SVN.

>>   2. Running the compiled grass64 (which contains the compiled r.seg) and
>> trying to test r.seg gives this error:

Should work ok now.

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