On 10/01/2010 01:35 AM, Adam Dershowitz, Ph.D., P.E. wrote:
I have a series of points in an ascii files that represent points along a line. 
 I would like to import them as a line, or import and convert to a line.
I see that 6.5 has v.in.lines, but I am using 6.4.  Is there any other way to 
do that conversion?

The data is 3D x,y,z points.  I can just import them using v.in.ascii, but then 
they are points, with no lines.  Is there another way to either import, 
directly, or convert?

If it's only one line, then the simplest might be to re-write the ASCII file formated in the GRASS "standard" format, as a line. You'll need to add the header lines, something like:
L n 1
X_coord Y_coord
1 1

Where 'n' is the number of points.

Then run v.in.ascii ... format=standard and it should result in a line vector.



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