Sandile Gumede wrote:


Thanks, for grass module v.rast.stats vect=catchments1 rast=rain1 colpre=precip , is it the output file that I'm looking for in the path below? If so which program is used to open it, I'm using ubuntu 9.04, my default GRASS database is DBMF


If you're looking for only the attribute table, then yes, that's the file.
You can open it with OpenOffice Calc. Also you can see the whole table and export to a text file with catchments1.

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Micha Silver < <>> wrote:

    Sandile Gumede wrote:


        Where do I get the output file which contains all the output
        for the script below, the actual file name under my Mapset?

    Maps output by GRASS are part of the GRASS database. Each vector
    or raster is not a single file, but rather a directory which
    contains several files. Each vector map has a directory under
    $LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/vector/ and it might also have a dbf entry
    or an sqlite table for attributes. The parts of a raster map are
    split among a few directories: $LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/cats ,


Kind Regards
TS Gumede | CSIR | Meraka Institute | ICT4EO Research Group
Office Tel: 012 841 2606 | mobile : 072 258 1650
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