
> About 20,000,000 cells. That should be OK.
> Do you know how many different values are actually in the data?
Yes... In this case is 6608. In other examples it can be 3000 or 2000. Why?

I'd try two things here. First can you change to a smaller region and rerun
> r.mode and try to display the results?
Yes. It worked with a much smaller image.

> Second: the result of r.mode is a "reclass" of the original values. So I
> suppose it has to be recalculated each time you want to display. You can
> make that reclass map into a permanent raster by running:
> r.mapcalc "output2 = output1"

I tried this and after 15 minutes running I gave up. Can this be related
with memory restrictions?

Thanks Micha for your help
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