On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Kim Besson <kimbesson1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Markus
> Thanks. I do have a weekly snapshot 6.4.1 but I don't have that yet. is it
> possible to integrate that part  in a earlier version of 6.4.1?
The easiest way really is to get an updated snapshot.

> By the way, How can I check which release am I using
g.version -r prints the GIS library revision number and time (not
necessarily the latest change included in your version).

> and, what changes have
> occured since my release?
 This you could see here:

but it may be quite a bit, the version you are using must be older
than 5 weeks (it's about 5 weeks ago that I added the new GCP Manager
to the wxGUI in 6.4)

Markus M

> 2010/11/2 Markus Metz <markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com>
>> Kim Besson wrote:
>> > Greetings
>> > I'm starting to use Wx Georrectifier (Geometric Correction) and, in a
>> > couple
>> > of messages from a few weeks I saw that some help for Georrectifer was
>> > added
>> > to GRASS but I didn't find anything. could anyone point me out? Im using
>> > WinGRASS 6.4.0 (stable).
>> The help is part of the new Georectifier in wxGUI (File -> Manage
>> Ground Control Points) which is available only in 6.4.1 and above. The
>> latest 6.4 Windows installer is available here [1]
>> Markus M
>> [1] http://josef.fsv.cvut.cz/wingrass/grass64/
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