Am 05.11.2010 15:31, schrieb Luisa Peña: --overwrite input=teste01_centr...@brazil
output=teste01centr...@brazil use=val value=5

But I do have 1 (last) question:
When I use the Query pixel value feature, I get this:
568209.941176|9248338.294118||5|Value 5 Does this means that each pixel
has a raster value of 5 right? Because I'm also getting Value 5 and I
don't what it is..

Yes, setting value=5 means, all areas will be covered with pixels value 5. If you want different values for each area, you have to use use=attr and define a column name containing a numeric (column=your_column) or use=cat to use the categogy value.

You can see the categories with "v.category input=... option=report".

When you use an attribute, you have to have an table connected with the vector layer.


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