Glynn wrote:
> How do people feel about replacing shell
> scripts with Python for 6.5?

extremely negative. I'm totally against that.
please lets just let the stable branch become
stable. I don't want to see that change in
6.4.x, so no point to make 6.5 deviate from the
stable branch any more than it already has.
IMHO 6.5 is only for testing backports and fixes
before actually commiting the backport to 6.4.

I do not believe it's a fundamental flaw
which can not be worked around in the
current framework- calling a shell script
from another shell script on WinGRASS does
work- e.g. calls r.tileset (also
a bunch of other private helper shell scripts).
[that has other issues is not very
relevant to this point]

and so I reject the idea to fix a fixable
bug by replacing a huge work of well tested
code by much less tested replacements.

I would like to declare 6.x closed for new
major changes ASAP, if that is not already
the case. New devel should happen in 7.


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