The problem is that, I left it this night processing and, when I
returned it has freezed. So, v.out.ogr is not being able to export
vector files produced by As I said, maybe it's related
with some option in that is messing this up. Or something
related with tables.

Can anyone give me some tips on this?



>...that´ll be a HUGE vector file!
>So it´s normal, that it takes some minutes.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Luis Lisboa <>wrote:

> Greetings
> I have produced a vector map (with with the following
> metadata:
> test01
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  | Layer:           teste01                                              |
>  | Mapset:          Regional
>    |
>  | Location:        Country
>  |
>  | Database:        E:\v3
>   |
>  | Title:
>   |
>  | Map scale:       1:1
>   |
>  | Map format:      native
>    |
>  | Name of creator: orbit                                              |
>  | Organization:
>    |
>  | Source date:     Tue Nov 09 11:11:40 2010
>    |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |   Type of Map:  vector (level: 2)
>    |
>  |
>    |
>  |   Number of points:       0               Number of areas:      213680
>   |
>  |   Number of lines:        0               Number of islands:    73649
>    |
>  |   Number of boundaries:   348770          Number of faces:      0
>    |
>  |   Number of centroids:    213666          Number of kernels:    0
>    |
>  |
>    |
>  |   Map is 3D:              No
>   |
>  |   Number of dblinks:      1
>    |
>  |
>    |
>  |         Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (zone 0)
>   |
>  |               N:  8832707.83027649    S:  7028073.62772369
>   |
>  |               E:  1347458.42001915    W:    200792.5777576
>   |
>  |
>    |
>  |   Digitization threshold: 0
>    |
>  |   Comments:
>    |
>  |
>    |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> Now I'm trying to export it to SHAPEFILE but, after 10 minutes the
> processing bar is not even in 40%. What might be happening? I mean, is it
> some error with the vector or when I convert to vector (from raster)?
> Because, taking more than 10 minutes to export to vector it's not normal (I
> guess) and taking nearly 7 min to convert to vector also...
> Thanks for the reply
> Luis L
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