Hello Luisa,

(see below)

Am 17.11.2010 16:21, schrieb Luisa Peña:
Hello achim
1- I converted from raster to vector (r.to.vect)
r.to.vect -v input=teste01_l...@regional output=vector01 feature=area
Extracting areas...
Building topology for vector map <vector01>...
Registering primitives...
833 primitives registered
4624 vertices registered
Building areas...
334 areas built
163 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 662
Number of primitives: 833
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 499
Number of centroids: 334
Number of areas: 334
Number of isles: 163
r.to.vect complete.

2- When I select a designated area i get this:
East: 629238.662505
North: 9331859.599043
Map: vector01
Mapset: Regional
Type: Area
Sq Meters: 1132124355.009
Hectares: 113212.436
Acres: 279754.021
Sq Miles: 437.1157
Layer: 1
Category: 5
Driver: dbf
Database: C:\DWEISdata/Brazil/Regional/dbf/
Table: vector01
Key column: cat
cat : 5
label :
(CAT IS the value of my previous raster)

3- When i do:
v.db.connect map=vecto...@regional table=vector01 driver=sqlite
I get the following error:
ERROR: Use -o to overwrite existing link for layer <1>
THis will mean that it will overwrite existing table right?

I tried with -o and I got the error:
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database: unable to open database file
Unable to open database <$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/> by
driver <sqlite>
Unable open database <$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/> by driver
ERROR: Table <vector01> does not exist in database
So I'm not able to do what you suggest

That means, that no sqlite-db is established.
<$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/> is a folder for the dbf-db. A sqlite-db is only one file. You can use one of many programs to create an empty one (eg. there is an firefox add-on that can do that).

Store the db (eg. "myname.sqlite") in you gis-folder and connect (in this example case) to:

Best regards,

Any other suggestion?

2010/11/16 Achim Kisseler <a...@jupiter.uni-freiburg.de


    you should not loose the information, because the table you create
    consists of a column "cat" by default containing the cats.

    Does this do the job?


    Am 16.11.2010 09:46, schrieb Luisa Peña:

        Hi Achim
        Well, the thing is, if I add a table to my vector, I will loose
        all the
        information that is already available in my vector (since it's a
        conversion from a Classification raster I have a cat value for each
        area). Right?

        2010/11/15 Achim Kisseler <a...@jupiter.uni-freiburg.de

            Am 15.11.2010 16:41, schrieb Luisa Peña:

                In this email,
                you suggested me to use sqlite as database. I'm willing
        to try
                that. How
                can I do that with a vector created from r.to.vect with
                values in cat column

            Hi Luisa,

            first create an sqlite-database, second take the vector file
        and add
            an table to it
            v.db.addtable creates and adds a new attribute table to a given
            vector map. It links the table to the specified layer of the
            map. If the vector map is not yet linked to any table, new a
            database link is established based on the MAPSET database
            (see db.connect).
            Is that what you are looking for?


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