
I did exactly what you described.

As per Markus N's suggestion I changed the /bin/sh to /bin/bash and things
working well (so far!)

Many many thanks guys for your help


> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:53 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Mine is this:
>> echo $SHELL
>> /bin/bash
> Good I guess. How did you install v.rast.stats2? Is the script you
> installed really 100% identical to
> Since this is a script, you can fetch it to a folder of your likening with
> svn checkout svn checkout
> and copy the script v.rast.stats2 to its appropriate place.
> Markus M
>>> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Markus Neteler <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:37 PM,  <> wrote:
>>>>> No...same error
>>>>> /usr/local/grass-6.5.svn/scripts/v.rast.stats2: 350: Syntax error:
>>>>> "("
>>>>> unexpected
>>>> The line looks like this:
>>>> # create array with new column names
>>>> col=( `cat "$COLNAMETMP" | tr '\n' ' '` )
>>>> This looks like a bash-ism. In case that /bin/sh isn't bash
>>>> on Sab's machine but another shell it is likely to fail.
>>> Hmm. Since you (Markus N) are listed as main author and I merely try
>>> to promote v.rast.stats2, and my knowledge of scripting is limited to
>>> bash, do you have a suggestion about how to make this portable to
>>> non-bash?
>>> Markus M

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