Hi Micha, yes, by all means, wiki away :-) I haven't yet educated myself
on how to contribute to wikis and bugzillas and the likes, so if you
want to take that task off my hands you're welcome :-)
Somewhat pleased that my verbosity had some elements of usefulness

now, to spend a bit more time in GRASS and come up with my next
'victim'.. I reckon I can give v.digit and its friends a good workout!


On Tue, 2010-12-07 at 12:03 +0200, Micha Silver wrote:
> Shane Litherland wrote:
> > (my first-ever reply to the list...hope I get the cc / subject stuff
> > right!)
> >   
> Seems to be OK
> > (also FYI - GRASS 6.4.0RC, Ubuntu 10.04LTS (most of my sys/progs from
> > synaptic package manager)
> >
> > Micha - your suggestion much appreciated :-) I had used v.in.ascii a
> > while back, had forgotten how versatile it could be!
> >
> > I used a slight adjustment to your suggestion - I still like having
> > another copy of my gps data, so did it in the two steps rather than
> > piping, i.e. gpsbabel (gebabbel GUI) to save a unicsv format file from
> > the garmin handset, then the v.in.ascii (GRASS GUI) to get the unicsv
> > format into grass.
> >   
> May I take take your suggestions to add to the GRASS wki?

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