The topological vector format of GRASS can require quite a bit of
memory for larger vectors, which can cause problems such as
out-of-memory errors or freezing the machine if a vector module uses
up all system memory and goes into swap space.

The largest component in GRASS vector topology is the spatial index
which can exceed available system memory with larger vectors, e.g.
LiDAR point clouds with hundreds of millions of points, or very large
and detailed land cover/land use polygons. In GRASS 7, I have added a
new option to use a file-based version of the spatial index which can
be activated by setting the new shell environment variable
and deactivated with

As long as the spatial index fits into system memory, e.g. is
as expected a bit slower with the file-based version than with the
memory-based version and takes about 1.5 times as long for larger
vectors (> 100,000 areas). For smaller vectors (e.g. < 50,000 areas),
there is not much difference. If the spatial index does not fit into
system memory, the memory-based version would at some stage abort with
an out-of-memory error or go into swap space, whereas the file-based
version will very likely complete successfully and not freeze the

Of the vector cleaning tools, breaking polygons (used when importing
polygons, the same function as called by v.clean tool=bpol) has the
highest memory consumption because all unique vertices of all
boundaries are loaded to a search index. I have added a file-based
version for breaking polygons in GRASS 7 which is activated as
described above. When importing a test vector with 258,000 polygons,
memory consumption dropped from 3.9 GB to 90 MB, that is by 98%, while
breaking polygons. LFS is recommended for the new file-based version.

Markus M
grass-user mailing list

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