Hi again,

another little thing I found by accident,

If digitising boundaries, then using 'remove vertex' to delete some of a
boundary, vertex-by-vertex... If I kept going and removed all the
vertexes (instead of the correct way of using 'delete
point/line/boundary'), it was possible to end up with some leftovers..

I could see a lone red cross on the v.digit screen (meaning, node(1
line) ) that I could not select to move, add, delete, anything... no
matter what my zoom.

This errant node did not show in the GRASS map view of the vector in
question, only in v.digit.

Using v.clean 'found' and removed this errant node (using the rmline
option) and I checked the vector info of the 'dirty' versus 'clean'
vectors to see nothing else had been upset.

It was an accident, I thought I'd selected the 'delete' tool...
but interesting, nonetheless ;-)


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