MrSID files are a bit tricky.  This is a proprietary format owned by LizardTech 
(see  That being said, they freely 
provide decode tools at their website (  Working on 
OS X, I use their Raster_DSDK in a little command line routine to convert the 
file to a geotiff (tifg) and then import it into GRASS with  Note 
that the MrSID format is very efficient and boils a quad down to about 1.5 Gb.  
This will become 3 or 4 times greater as a tif so make sure you have plenty of 
room to store it and process it.  I use an old version of Expressview (a 
LizardTech viewer that used to be available for OS X) to look at the image and 
determine the coordinates of the bit that I really want in order to minimize 
the resulting file sizes.

AFAIK there are no open source apps that deal with MrSID directly (for those 
that do, you have to install your own version of the decoder first)


On Feb 11, 2011, at 12:23 PM, Adam Dershowitz, Ph.D., P.E. wrote:

> I am trying to import some data in GRASS and have run into a problem.  I hope 
> someone can give me a little insight to help out.
> I downloaded some aerial imagery from here:
> I want to import it into a UTM zone 17 project.  So I did the following:
> gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84' input.sid output_utm.sid
> gdapwarp responds with an error, but then continues with the conversion:
> ERROR 6: Failed to initialize PROJ.4 with `+proj=omerc +lat_0=0 +lonc=0 
> +alpha=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs '.
> lat_0 = 0 or 90 or alpha = 90
> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
> If I then try to import the image, into my project, it does work, but places 
> it WAY off from where it should be (millions of meters!).  I guess I should 
> not be surprised, since the error says that it is trying to use a lat/long of 
> 0.  But I don't understand why it is not working correctly.  
> So, clearly something is wrong with how I am doing the conversion.  Am I 
> missing a flag or something?  It looks to me like gdalinfo is doing a correct 
> read, but somehow gdalwarp is missing something on the input.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
> If I do gdalinfo on the input file, here is what I get:
> Driver: MrSID/Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
> Files: oakgrove_sw.sid
>       oakgrove_sw.sdw
>       oakgrove_sw.sid.aux.xml
> Size is 6415, 8061
> Coordinate System is:
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)|IMAGINE",
>    GEOGCS["NAD83",
>        DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",
>            SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010002,
>                AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
>            AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],
>        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>        UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
>        AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],
>    PROJECTION["Hotine_Oblique_Mercator"],
>    PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",0],
>    PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",0],
>    PARAMETER["azimuth",0],
>    PARAMETER["rectified_grid_angle",90],
>    PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],
>    PARAMETER["false_easting",0],
>    PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
>    UNIT["metre",1,
>        AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]
> Origin = (663144.500000000000000,240035.500000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (1.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000)
> Metadata:
>  IMAGE__INPUT_NAME=K:\blk18\oakgrove_sw.tif
>  IMAGE__INPUT_FILE_SIZE=155199578.000000
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__1024__GTModelTypeGeoKey=1
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__GTModelTypeGeoKey=ModelTypeProjected
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__1025__GTRasterTypeGeoKey=1
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__GTRasterTypeGeoKey=RasterPixelIsArea
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__1026__GTCitationGeoKey=IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)|IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection Name = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)
> Units = meters
> GeoTIFF Units = meters|
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__2048__GeographicTypeGeoKey=4269
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__GeographicTypeGeoKey=GCS_NAD83
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__2060__GeogAzimuthUnitsGeoKey=9102
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__GeogAzimuthUnitsGeoKey=Angular_Degree
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__3072__ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey=32767
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey=User-Defined
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__3073__PCSCitationGeoKey=IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)|IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection Name = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)
> Units = meters
> GeoTIFF Units = meters|
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__3074__ProjectionGeoKey=32767
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__ProjectionGeoKey=User-Defined
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__3075__ProjCoordTransGeoKey=3
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__ProjCoordTransGeoKey=CT_ObliqueMercator
>  GEOTIFF_NUM__3076__ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey=9001
>  GEOTIFF_CHAR__ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey=Linear_Meter
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3088__ProjCenterLongGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3089__ProjCenterLatGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3090__ProjCenterEastingGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3091__ProjCenterNorthingGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3093__ProjScaleAtCenterGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
> GEOTIFF_NUM__3094__ProjAzimuthAngleGeoKey=0.999600,45.309167,2546731.496000,-4354009.816000,337.255560,-86.000000
>  GEO__ModelTypeGeoKey=1
>  GEO__ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey=32767
>  GEO__PCSCitationGeoKey=IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)|IMAGINE GeoTIFF Support
> Copyright 1991 - 2001 by ERDAS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
> @(#)$RCSfile: egtf.c $ $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2001/09/27 14:59:29EDT $
> Projection Name = Oblique Mercator (Hotine)
> Units = meters
> GeoTIFF Units = meters|
>  IMAGE__Z_ORIGIN=0.000000
>  IMAGE__CREATION_DATE=Wed Mar 10 17:11:37 2004
>  IMAGE__WIDTH=6415
>  IMAGE__XY_ORIGIN=663145.000000,240035.000000
> Image Structure Metadata:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (  663144.500,  240035.500) 
> Lower Left  (  663144.500,  231974.500) 
> Upper Right (  669559.500,  240035.500) 
> Lower Right (  669559.500,  231974.500) 
> Center      (  666352.000,  236005.000) 
> Band 1 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
>  Minimum=0.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=97.677, StdDev=49.163
>  Overviews: 3208x4031, 1604x2016, 802x1008, 401x504
> Band 2 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
>  Minimum=0.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=97.555, StdDev=49.371
>  Overviews: 3208x4031, 1604x2016, 802x1008, 401x504
> Band 3 Block=1024x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
>  Minimum=0.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=97.402, StdDev=49.024
>  Overviews: 3208x4031, 1604x2016, 802x1008, 401x504
> --Adam
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