bad news for You. You can't use TCL/Tk >8.5 on MacOS with NVIZ (Togl)
unless suddennes happens (read: somebody hacks GRASS Togl copy to work
with changed Tk. Most likely nobody will have enough
knowledge/motivation to do this).

Here's more to read: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.tcl.mac/6828


2011/2/24 Johannes Radinger <jradin...@gmx.at>:
> Not yet, do you think that has something to do with my TCL/TK libraries?
> I got it via installer from http://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads
> Thats the version of ActiveTCL there the TK included?
> Do I have to get TCL/TK directly compiled from the source code for GRASS?
> Johannes
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