Hi Patrick,

I wouldn't try to open Interlis files directly in GRASS. You are better off converting them to an intermediate format or database, e.g. spatialite, PostgreSQL, GML, etc. and work from there.

If you open the files directly, performance will be bad.

btw: Interlis consists of two files:
1. .ili file (contains the data model: topics, tables, columns, data types, domain lists, etc.) 2. .itf file (the raw data: geometry and attribute data). - itf means "interlis transfer format"

You always need both files.

Here are one or two examples: http://gis.hsr.ch/wiki/HowTo_OGR2OGR

Good luck,

On 3/11/11 8:00 PM, Patrick S. wrote:
Dear List,

does someone have experience in importing the topological format INTERLIS to GRASS? It seems to need an .ili file, that will define polygons, lines and points, but I don't see how to integrate this one in the v.in.ogr command.

I managed to use ogr2ogr and tested conversion to shapefile. This one uses the java interpreter ili2c.jar. (see: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_ili.html). It will only work if the .ili is intergrated as in the command:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" shpdir /home/order/filename.itf,/home/order/description.ili

When I import the .itf to GRASS it will only create lines instead of areas. Same result for conversion with ogr2ogr mentioned above when the .ili is not integrated.

Any Feedback would be helpful.


P.S. Testfiles can be found http://www.interlis.ch/
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