On 03/11/2011 09:57 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

  I want to migrate attribute data from the internal dbf to an external
postgres table and thought that db.out.ogr was the proper module. However,
following the example on the 6.5 manual page does not work for me.

Manually breaking lines that were continuous in the terminal, he example shows:

db.out.ogr points_tab dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=postgres user=neteler" \
echo "SELECT * FROM points_tab" | psql postgres

  What I tried:

GRASS 6.5.svn (Nevada-aea):~/grassdata > db.out.ogr at_risk_species \
  dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=nevada" format=PostgreSQL \
  echo "SELECT * FROM at_risk_species" | psql nevada
Sorry <echo> is not a valid option
Sorry <SELECT * FROM at_risk_species> is not a valid option
Error in usage. Call b.out.ogr --help for assistance.

  Then I tried just the first line of the command:

The second line is just meant as a check that the attribs are indeed uploaded to the PostgreSQL database...

GRASS 6.5.svn (Nevada-aea):~/grassdata > db.out.ogr at_risk_species
dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=nevada" format=PostgreSQL
WARNING: The map contains islands. To preserve them in the output map, use
         the -c flag
WARNING: 13 boundary(ies) found, but not requested to be exported. Verify
         'type' parameter.
WARNING: 13 centroid(s) found, but not requested to be exported. Verify
         'type' parameter.
WARNING: 13 areas found, but not requested to be exported. Verify 'type'
WARNING: No points found, but requested to be exported. Will skip this
         geometry type.
WARNING: Nothing to export
Exported table <at_risk_species>

  Please tell me what I've missed here.

What do these show:
v.info -t at_risk_species
v.info -c at_risk_species

The script above is a wrapper around v.out.ogr. If I understand correctly, you want to have a new GRASS point vector with the data table held in Postgres? So maybe v.out.ogr is the easier approach. Furthermore, if you're going to change the whole project over to database stored attribs, then the best method is to set the new database connection for your mapset (db.connect + db.login) then just run db.copy on all your vectors. All the new "copies" will have their data tables in the (now default) database.

Something like:
$ for v in `g.mlist vect sep=space`; do g.rename vect=$v,$v_old; done
$ for v in `g.mlist vect sep=space pat="*_old"`; do g.copy vect=$v,`basename $v _old`; done # This should leave you with a set of dbf based vectors named like: a_vector_old
# And a second set, postgres based, named like "a_vector"

# Now test that the new tables exist:
psql -c 'SELECT * FROM <a vector>' -d <your_postgres_db> -U <your_db_username>
# If everything looks OK, remove the old (dbf based) vectors
$ g.mremove vect="*_old"



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