I'm cc'ing to the grass-users maillist. Maybe someone will have more input.

OBV Duplessis - Minganie wrote:

OS is Windows 7 (French version, if it matters) and I work on QGIS 1.6 (just recently upgraded).  I have full owner’s rights (administrator account, that is what you meant, yes?).  As for the directories: As part of the tutorial reading I downloaded the spearfish database, so I have a GISDBASE folder and, when I click on open mapset in QGIS’ GRASS toolbar, I do see the ‘spearfish’ location.  However, I cannot create a new location (when I try, that is when I get the g_make_location_failed message).  So, when it comes to creating my own stuff, neither the mapset nor the location are getting created...
Can you create a new mapset in the spearfish LOCATION ?
Do you perhaps have some non-ascii characters in the path to the GISDBASE? Maybe some accent in the username or something?

Thank you!
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Scratching Surfaces] Comment: "Creating isohyetal lines in QGIS"
On 14/03/2011 16:11, Minganie wrote:
New comment on your post "Creating isohyetal lines in QGIS"
Author : Minganie (IP: , 24-122-224-155.si.cgocable.ca)
E-mail : minga...@obvd.qc.ca
URL    : 
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Thank you for the continued help!

I had actually read the manual section on GRASS and tried the procedure to set up a new location.  However, every time I try through the Quantum interface, the procedure ends with the error message "g_make_location failed" with nothing more helpful than that.  I have really no idea what could cause the new location to fail...

So I had tried doing it directly in GRASS...  I'd tried to create a new location from the wizard that appears on GRASS' startup.  This time the procedure finished without an error message, but the new location I'm supposed to have created doesn't show up in the left portion of the wizard.  I'm at a loss, really.


It's time for some more details. What OS are you working on? Do you have full owner's rights on the directory where you are storing GRASS's GISDBASE?
Are the directories for LOCATION and MAPSET being created?

Thanks for any help you might give!

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