On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 7:26 AM, leonidas <leonidas_lia...@yahoo.gr> wrote:
> I'm using Grass 6.4.0 and I'm trying to generate a buffer for a polyline
> vector map. The problem is that v.buffer runs but it doesn't end. I give it
> a lot of time (+2 hours) but it didn't finish. Using the same file in QGIS
> the job done in less than a minute. What could be the problem? Is this a
> bug?

Likely yes. Could you please try the 6.4.1RC2 package? This bug was fixed

Perhaps also the former version of v.buffer (the current version is a rewrite)
will be reactivated since it got fixed and performs better:

In any case a test with 6.4.1RC2 is recommended.

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