I haven't run python scripts from within GRASS, but have found that they won't 
run if the line breaks are not unix line breaks, rather than Mac or Windows - 
which you'll get if you write the script in some applications. 

BBEdit is a very good editor on the Mac and will run python scripts within the 
editor. I think there's a free version too - text wrangler. 

Nick Cahill

On Mar 23, 2011, at 2:29 AM, Johannes Radinger wrote:

> Am 23.03.2011 um 05:22 schrieb Glynn Clements:
>> Johannes Radinger wrote:
>>> I'd like to run a python script on my GRASS6.5 on MacOS.
>>> I saved a *.py script for testing with following content on my desktop:
>>> All the needed files (upstream_part, shreve) are existing in the
>>> location and mapset that is open. Then I tried to execute
>>> File-->Launch Script and choose it. Then I just get back:
>>> Launching script '/Users/Johannes Radinger/Desktop/mapcalc-test.py'...      
>>> (Tue Mar 22 10:57:15 2011)                                                  
>>> /Users/Johannes Radinger/Desktop/mapcalc-test.py                            
>>> (Tue Mar 22 10:57:15 2011) Command finished (0 sec)
>>> and nothing happend and no map was created...
>>> what is wrong with my script?
>> Does the script have execute permission ("chmod +x ...")?
> The script has execute permission so far as I think, but anyway I ran chmod 
> +x on the file...
>> Does MacOSX have the Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python?
>> It's common practice for Python scripts to use:
>>      #!/usr/bin/env python
> my first script included #!/usr/bin/env python, but it failed (error message) 
> it couldn't find python, thats why I googled  and found: 
> http://macosx.com/forums/unix-x11/46163-how-do-i-run-python-script.html
> that is why i used /usr/bin/python.
> I just got the tip in forum to check for the line-endings in the file, they 
> might cause the problem, so I will check that.
> But anyway, is there any other possible reason why I fail?
> Is there any Mac-User with Python-Script-Mapcalc experience?
>> which only requires that "python" is somewhere in $PATH, rather than
>> assuming a fixed location. The Python scripts in 7.0 use this
>> mechanism.
>> -- 
>> Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
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