
I have a raster map with a size like 25000 x 30000 with valid values on all
its extent. With another raster, I defined a sub-extent of this raster, much
smaller where only a small area is valid and the rest it NULL() like this:
r.mapcalc output = if(regional_area@PERMANENT>0,2004@Reg,null())
In this case, regional_area is a smaller area and I want to select only a
portion of 2004@Reg that falls inside regional_area.
So I obtained output as a raster map with only some values (4000x3000)
If I define g.region rast=output I still obtain a 25000 x30000 region which
does not make sense since I only have a small valid area.
How can I define a region, using g.region for only output valid pixels?

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