Hi all,

I'm trying to use v.delaunay to get the lines connecting centroids in
thiessen polygons because I need to compute some statistics on the length of
those segments.
I'm facing a problem that maybe somebody could help me to solve.

Basically I run v.delaunay with the -l option to get lines instead of the
polygons, I get the resulting vector, but there is no attribute tables
associated to it.
My idea was to run v.db.addtable to create a new empty attribute table, then
v.category to assign cat numbers and the v.to.db to compute and add to the
attribute table the parameter I need (ie the length).
The problem is that when I run v.category nothing happens, and the attribute
table remains empty.

Am I missing somethng?

Any help appreciated.

Ing. Andrea Pogliaghi
Milano - Italy
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