Hello Markus
Thank you for your answer. Just a few more questions :)

For orthorectification, you should use a recent version of GRASS
> (6.4.2) and not 6.4.0 because the orthorectification procedure has
> been recently overhauled and is creating artefacts in earlier versions
> of GRASS, particularly for mountainous terrain.
> Thanks

> There is no preprocessing required before orthorectification, apart
> from the organisation of the imagery. The imagery to be orthorectified
> should be in a xy location. A separate location with the target CRS
> must exist and should hold reference imagery if you do not have Ground
> Control Points.
> 1- My VHR image has already coordinates. Is this a problem?
2- Shall I apply Geometric Correction procedure before Orthorectification?

> There will soon (within the next weeks I hope) be an article available
> in Computer and Geosciences explaining the orthorectification
> procedure in GRASS, entitled "Robust rectification of aerial
> photographs in an Open Source environment".
> Is it possible tyo have acces to the draft version?

Thank you
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