Salvatore wrote:
> I'm not able to download any data from your links...

what's the error message?

> I never worked with these kind of data before. 

now's your chance :)

gdal can read GRIB format directly, but due to a gdal bug you'll
have to apply a 1/2 cell correction after import with r.region.

did you want long-term average conditions/exposure or 

> Than I would to know where I can find a good bathymetry.

I don't know of a good source in the Med. Maybe someone else
does?  For global oceans the ETOPO1 dataset is great, but that's
not terribly useful near shore.

An approach of last resort is to digitize from nautical charts.
I usually prepare my model grid/bathy in GRASS then export with
r.out.ascii, it can read those files directly.

For MacOSX I guess you'll have to build SWAN yourself using a
fortran compiler. (GCC's gfortran is fine)  Note SWAN likes lots
and lots of RAM.


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