Sebastian Beyer wrote:

> So there is no way of changing the nearest-neighbour resampling in
> d.rast to lanczos for example?


> > If you want optimal output, the display size needs to match the
> > current region, 
> How do I adjust the current region to match the display size? Region
> works with rows and columns, so what is the connection to my display
> pixels?

The number of rows needs to match the height in pixels and the number
of columns the width in pixels.

> > Either that, or render the map at its native resolution, then resample
> > using an image-processing program.
> This is not an option, because I need the 'prettier' image inside
> GRASS to vectorize some features.

In which case, you probably need to resample the map itself.

Glynn Clements <>
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