
I am using the SVN version of GRASS-7 for a while.
In r45123 I had a problem of using selection options for displaying vectors, which I reported in ticket #1266.

Since that time several modifications of vector modules has been done, however things turn worse and worse. I have tested r45168, r45179, r45185, r45214, r45303, r45362, r45396, r45405, r45592, r47521, r47600, r47640, r47770, r47865.

In the early versions just vectors disappeard if I turned on some selection criterion. Since r46317 I got error message which I reported as a comment to the ticket #1266.

Since r47521 the rendering of a vector fails at all.
Therefore I still use r44607.

I have tested GRASS-7 from svn-trunc on two Linux PC-s,
openSUSE-11.4, Linux i686 i386 and
openSUSE-11.2, Linux i686 i386

# svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/trunk grass_trunk
# ./configure --enable-shared --without-mysql --without-sqlite --with-gdal --without-fftw --with-postgres --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 --with-freetype-libs=/usr/lib --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config
# make


# make clean
# svn cleanup
# svn up
# ./configure --enable-shared --without-mysql --without-sqlite --with-gdal
--without-fftw --with-postgres --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql
--with-freetype-libs=/usr/lib --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config
# make

In openSUSE-11.4:

# ./bin.i686-pc-linux-gnu/grass70

I open a raster - OK

I try to open a vector:
Command 'd.vect color=165:42:42 map=cks@CHRIS layer=-1
type=boundary,area fcolor=none' failed
Details: Unable read topology for area 2
ERROR: Rendering failed

I try to open another vector:
Command 'd.vect color=165:42:42 map=eraldised_8m_buf@CHRIS
layer=-1 type=area fcolor=none' failed
Details: G_realloc: unable to allocate 3720975616 bytes of
memory at struct_alloc.c:378
ERROR: Rendering failed

Both vectors are correct and can be used in r44607.

I like the GRASS-7 and obviosly several new features are introduced or got working since r44607. Unfortunately I still have to use rather old version wich has its own problems.

Is it only a problem of my installation or maybe the same problem is there on other Linux PC-s as well?

Andres Kuusk
Tartu Observatory, Estonia

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