*Solimyr* wrote:

> http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/grass-dev
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/grass-dev
> I've tried to install but is not compatible!Can't install!
> Do you know where I can find the grass-dev package for my GRASS and Ubuntu
> version?
>From my modest experience: to install add-on normally you, in general, must
install GRASS from source and then install add-on as noted on
http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Compile_and_Install#Addons page.
Other things like "grass-dev" packages and so on -- IMHO just wishes how it
will be.. If I'm wrong, correct me.

One more stupid thing; If I install an addons on GRASS, after that, can I
> use the same on the GRASS Plugin in QGIS?

In simple way, as I know, NO. But it's possible to add modules to GRASS
Plugin in QGIS with the special method.
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