
first of all I want to thank you for helping me in the past to learn
how to compile GRASS. Now I am already able to compile GRASS GIS from SVN 
source on my Mac (and hopefully soon on Windows as well) including also AddOns 
like r.stream etc.

The main purpose for learning this was that I also wrote a small python 
script/addon about fish dispersal which I want to use in future. In the past I 
put my python file into the modules/bin folder in my library. Then I was able 
to call it just with module.py.
As I now also wrote a html description I wanted to build this script/addon with 
my source code.

Here comes my question: What is now what I have? Is this a raster-addon or a 
script? What is the difference or is it just a matter of taste? I can put it 
into the script or the raster folder of my source (and modify the makefile 
accordingly). But where should it go?
What I want in the end is just to call the it via the grass command-console in 
the gui and it should then contain the html-help-file.

I'll also provide that addon/script to you as soon as it is working without any 
problems. Additionally I'll probably provide a sample dataset resp. a "how to 
use" file.

Thank you very much!

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