Hi all,

So, I know one can have a 'working' GRASS and a 'try-if-you-dare' GRASS
on the one computer... a quick web search on how to do multiple grass
installs gave me more info on laying turf than on computing though!

The GRASS wiki has good info on compiling from source, but didn't see
anything clear about how to set up a testing GRASS without it
interfering with my existing, functional one.

Any tips on where/what to read to get this right? am on ubuntu 10.04,
working with GRASS 6.4.1, want to try the 6.4.2RC to check if a few
glitches I am aware of have been sorted out.

I probably read info about this months/years ago but need to update
myself before I blunder on into compiling from source-code!


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