On 10/25/2011 05:31 PM, Luisa Peña wrote:
Greetings I have a vectorial (areas) and I want to convert to raster. In this vector each area is defined by New_ID that is a varchar and I want to create a raster where pixels inside each area must have a value. E.g. Area named A1 must be labelled as 1 and A2 as 2 and B1 as 3 and so on. Is this possible using v.to.rast?

Yes, but you'll need a column in the vector attribute table with numeric values. THen run:
 v.to.rast input_vect out=<raster output> use=attr col=<numeric attibute column>

If your attributes are in sqlite (not dbf) then I'm sure there are some SQL string functions you could use to get the integer values 1,2,3... out of the labels A1,B1,...

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