On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Duffy, Garret
> <garret.du...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running grass 6.2 and I've updated gdal to version 1.8.1 in order to
>> import HF2/HFz files into grass
>> %r.in.gdal -f
>> Supported Formats:
>>  ...
>>   XYZ (rw): ASCII Gridded XYZ
>>   HF2 (rw): HF2/HFZ heightfield raster
>>   OZI (ro): OZI
>> So it should work… but:
>> %r.in.gdal 'input=/path/to/HFZ/5m_irish_sea.HF2' output=test title=test
>> ERROR 4: `/path/to/HFZ/5m_irish_sea.HF2' not recognised as a supported file
>> format.
> Is it really "/path/to" ? I guess not - if the real path contains white space
> it may cause troubles in GRASS 6.2. We have fixed such cases in GRASS 6.4.
> Please post the real path you have to better understand the problem.
>> I really don't want to update grass as version 4.7 of proj that grass 6.4
>> requires doesn't support general RSO projections and I am trying the
>> reproject the HF2 file into that projection.
> grass 6.4 requires proj 4.7? The test in configure is:
>    if test `expr "$proj_ver" \< 446` = 1 ; then
>        AC_MSG_ERROR([*** PROJ.4.4.6 or later is required.])
>    fi
> which is way older than Proj 4.7.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> **Could I use "gdal_translate" to change the HF2 to a TIF and then use
>> r.in.gdal??**
> Yes, this would be an alternative.

I'm afraid not, because the above error starting with "ERROR 4:" is
issued by gdal, not grass. Therefore any gdal program will report the
same error.

I noted some strange single quotes in the above r.in.gdal command.

Can you try
r.in.gdal input="/path/to/HFZ/5m_irish_sea.HF2" output=test title=test
instead of
r.in.gdal 'input=/path/to/HFZ/5m_irish_sea.HF2' output=test title=test
Although I don't think this really helps...

Markus M
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