as v.in.ogr and r.in.gdal are using GDAL/OGR library for data import,
the first step would be to compare gdalinfo and ogrinfo -ro -so
outputs for all datasets. Just execute: gdalinfo mydata.img and
ogrinfo -ro -so myshapefile.shp myshapefile

If You can't spot anything fishy, add output of those commands to this thread.

In Latvia I have seen enough datasets claiming to be LKS-92 (the
official country coordinate system) to contain data in Baltic-93
coordinate system and vice versa. Aren't there some similar coordinate
systems that could have been used for data with wrong metadata?


2011/11/17 Kirk Wythers <kirk.wyth...@gmail.com>:
> First a quick recap on the problem including suggestions from list.
> Problem:
> I imported three files (two shape files with v.in.ogr, and one .img file with 
> r.in.gdal). All files purport to be alberrsequalarea projections and come 
> from independent sources. Also, after reading the metadata for each file, the 
> projections and geographic information appears identical for each file.
> All files were imported into an albers locatiog.region and while the two 
> shape files appear correct (are properly aligned), while the raster (the 
> .img) is shifted approximately 1600 km north. I checked the info for false 
> northing on each file and they all report 0.000000 for false northing.
> Here is the kicker... a colleague imported the same files into ArcMap, and 
> all three appear correct. His take was that maybe grass is reading the 
> metadata for the .img file in an odd way... my take is that I'm probably 
> doing something wrong. Or perhaps ArcMap is ignoring something that r.in.gdal 
> is reading.
> Below I have included the output from g.proj, g.region, r.info and v.info 
> (maybe some one can see something I am missing). Any ideas as to what else I 
> should check would be appreciated.
> Thanks for help
> GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > g.proj -p
> -PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------
> name       : Albers Equal Area
> proj       : aea
> datum      : nad83
> ellps      : grs80
> lat_1      : 29.5
> lat_2      : 45.5
> lat_0      : 23
> lon_0      : -96
> x_0        : 0
> y_0        : 0
> no_defs    : defined
> -PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------
> unit       : meters
> units      : meterss
> meters     : 1
> GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > g.region -p
> projection: 99 (Albers Equal Area)
> zone:       0
> datum:      nad83
> ellipsoid:  grs80
> north:      2960848
> south:      2087348
> west:       -122110
> east:       1141890
> nsres:      250
> ewres:      250
> rows:       3494
> cols:       5056
> cells:      17665664
> r.info and v.info for each file give:
> GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > r.info 
> mnwimifnfftgk7wt175v3_250m
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Layer:    mnwimifnfftgk7wt175v3_250m     Date: Fri Oct 14 11:10:29 2011    |
> | Mapset:   lake_states                    Login of Creator: kirkw           |
> | Location: northcentralus_albersequalarea                                   |
> | DataBase: /Volumes/disk1/home1/kirkw/grassdata                             |
> | Title:     ( mnwimifnfftgk7wt175v3 )                                       |
> | Timestamp: none                                                            |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |                                                                            |
> |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 999             |
> |   Data Type:    CELL                                                       |
> |   Rows:         3494                                                       |
> |   Columns:      5056                                                       |
> |   Total Cells:  17665664                                                   |
> |        Projection: Albers Equal Area                                       |
> |            N:    2960848    S:    2087348   Res:   250                     |
> |            E:    1141890    W:    -122110   Res:   250                     |
> |   Range of data:    min = 0  max = 999                                     |
> |                                                                            |
> |   Data Description:                                                        |
> |    generated by r.in.gdal                                                  |
> |                                                                            |
> |   Comments:                                                                |
> |    r.in.gdal input="/Volumes/disk1/home1/kirkw/Desktop/mnwimifnfftgk7wt\   |
> |    175v3.img" output="mnwimifnfftgk7wt175v3"                               |
> |                                                                            |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> GRASS 6.4.1 (northcentralus_albersequalarea):~ > v.info nw212
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Layer:           nw212                                                     |
> | Mapset:          lake_states                                               |
> | Location:        northcentralus_albersequalarea                            |
> | Database:        /Volumes/disk1/home1/kirkw/grassdata                      |
> | Title:                                                                     |
> | Map scale:       1:1                                                       |
> | Map format:      native                                                    |
> | Name of creator: kirkw                                                     |
> | Organization:                                                              |
> | Source date:     Tue Nov 15 08:14:37 2011                                  |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |   Type of Map:  vector (level: 2)                                          |
> |                                                                            |
> |   Number of points:       0               Number of areas:      13         |
> |   Number of lines:        0               Number of islands:    5          |
> |   Number of boundaries:   20              Number of faces:      0          |
> |   Number of centroids:    7               Number of kernels:    0          |
> |                                                                            |
> |   Map is 3D:              No                                               |
> |   Number of dblinks:      1                                                |
> |                                                                            |
> |         Projection: Albers Equal Area                                      |
> |               N:      1322833.8573    S:       647305.3646                 |
> |               E:      1003361.9406    W:         6150.4319                 |
> |                                                                            |
> |   Digitization threshold: 0                                                |
> |   Comments:                                                                |
> |                                                                            |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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