Thanks to Markus and Moritz, I did not read carefully enough the last section of the r.region manual.

Memory has nothing to do with the error "ERROR: Error writing segment
file", this is an error while writing to disk (not enough disk

The error message appears when the i.rectify is loading the image.
I have enough disk space, I hope:

% df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6             33031204    919284  30433984   3% /
/dev/sda9            359924668  41523544 300118004  13% /home
/dev/sda8             49548372   4450220  42581220  10% /var

The raster is 1351510007 bytes, users have no quota.

i.rectify has a separate option controlling memory usage,
default is 300MB; this does not affect disk space requirements.

I tried to change it, and closed all other applications, so the 3.2G of memory was used for X11, FWVM2 and GRASS, and a few small applications in background (FWVM2 buttons and panel etc). The other PC with 4G memory did use my disk over nfs, thus the difference was in memory and the space for temporary files.

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