On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Aldo Clerici <aldo.cler...@unipr.it> wrote:
> Thanks to Martin and Markus for the quick answers.
> As I don't know where is the package which contains `wxversion` on Fedora, I

It is
rpm -qf /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/wxversion.py

> followed the Markus suggestions executing step by step what's in 'Compile
> and Install', hoping it includes the installing of the requested package.
> First:
> yum install proj-devel libjpeg-devel gdal-devel sqlite-devel ffmpeg-devel
> mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel libXmu-devel tcl-devel fftw-devel
> lesstif-devel wxGTK-devel
> All the packages were installed or updated, but with this message:
> No package ffmpeg-devel available.

I noted in your previous message that you use Fedora 10 which is
fairly old. Probably that's why some packages are missing.

-> only goes back to Fedora 14.

> Then:
>  ./configure   --with-cxx   --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config
> --with-proj   --with-sqlite   --with-nls
> --with-wxwidgets=/usr/local/bin/wx-config   --with-fftw
> --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python-config   --with-freetype
> --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2   --enable-largefile
> --without-odbc
> With the following result:
> GRASS is now configured for:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
>  Source directory:            /home/clerici/GRASSprograms/grass-6.4.2RC2
>  Build directory:             /home/clerici/GRASSprograms/grass-6.4.2RC2
>  Installation directory:      ${prefix}/grass-6.4.2RC2
>  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
>  wxWidgets support:          yes
>  TIFF support:               yes
>  X11 support:                yes
> Then: make
> with No errors detected
> And: su -c 'make install' that seemed to work fine.
> But, as usual, when I enter: grass64 -wxpython
> Cleaning up temporary files ...
> Starting GRASS ...
> ERROR: wxGUI requires wxPython. No module named wxversion

Please report what this outputs:

rpm -qa | grep wx | sort

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