Am 02.01.2012 16:19, schrieb Stephen Sefick:
If you use R there is a sunrise.set function in the StreamMetabolism package (shameless promotion). That may be helpful.

Stephen Sefick

On 01/02/2012 06:57 AM, Büro Seling wrote:
Dear Group!

Happy New Year @all!

I work on a Linux GRASS 6.4.2 RC1. The area of interest is in central Europe and
the projection is WGS84(EPSG:4326).

When I use the r.sun module and let it show the sunset/sunrise time and compare
it with the sunset/sunrise from a map created with r.sunmask I see great
differences (up to 50 minutes).

It is not the timezone (which is set correctly) in r.sunmask.

The results from r.sunmask seem to be, according to other sources, seem to be
right, but the results from r.sun are fare off.

Please give a suggestions or help!

grass-user mailing list

Thanks for Your suggestion Stephen,
but I have to make "shadow" maps with r.sun and my problem is how to get r.sun work within the correct sunrise/sunset timespan.

grass-user mailing list

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