On 01/05/2012 10:49 AM, Bulent Arikan wrote:

I really would like to learn more about the SQL command-based operations in GRASS. To summarize: I have created a new mapset where the driver is set to SQL. I have created second layers for all of my centroids (the tables in the second layers have a different name like "Db_runivar" ). I used 'v.db.addtable' to have GRASS create columns to upload the results from extended statistics of r.univar text files (e.g., Db_runivar.txt) for each centroid. 

Now, I have been trying to get 'db.execute' to work. One suggestion was that I use a loop for automated updating (I am assuming that I have to type this in the Terminal):

> while read l; do \
    col=`echo $l | cut -d= -f1`; val=`echo $l | cut -d= -f2`; \
    sqlite3 sqlite.db "UPDATE centroid SET ${col}=${val} ;"; \
> done < univar.txt

I came up with a statement (below) by looking at the manual in 'r.univar' to create an SQL command file:

sed -e '1d' Dogubayazit_runivar.txt | awk -F'l' '{print "UPDATE Dogubayazit_runivar SET non_null_cells = "$2", null_cells = "$3", min = "$4", max = "$5", range = "$6", mean = "$7", mean_of_abs = "$8", stddev = "$9", variance = "$10", coeff_var = "$11", sum = "$12", sum_abs = "$13", first_quart = "$14", median = "$15", third_quart = "$16", perc_90  = "$17" WHERE cat = "$1";"}'  

The above will create a list of update statements, one for each row in the runivar.txt file. You can't feed db.execute a list of statements, only one at a time. So you'll have to dump the output of the above command into an intermediary file, then use the db.execute "input" parameter to specify that file of SQL commands.

It might be worth noting that if you have many UPDATE's, then doing them one by one with an individual call to the database each time might take a bit of time. In this case, going back to sqlite, you could wrap all the UPDATE statements between a BEGIN...COMMIT clause, then feed that file to db.execute (or directly to sqlite), and it will open one connection, and push all the updates at once. For many 1000's of rows this would probably be much faster.

that can be used in 'db.execute' but I am getting a syntax error:

DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
near "sed": syntax error
ERROR: Error while executing: 'sed -e '1d' ............

What seems to be the problem?   
Thank you for your time.


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:
On 01/03/2012 10:44 PM, Bulent Arikan wrote:
Thank you! This seems to be an interesting solution to the problem especially because it involves changing the driver from DBF to SQLITE. I ended up using 'v.rast.stats', which adds columns for extended statistics and uploads values all at once. The only thing is: data are recorded as part of the same layer (i.e., Layer 1). So, I cheated!

Yes, v.rast.stats is definitely the way to go if you want raster univariate statistics pushed into a polygon vector.

However, I started trying your method. I created a new mapset to use sqlite and copied some vector maps from a mapset where default driver is DBF. I defined SQLITE as the new driver in the new mapset using 'db.connect' 
(driver=sqlite, database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite.db', no flags checked). Then I wanted to use 'v.db.connect' for a vector map but I cannot select table name etc. I also tried just using 'v.db.connect' but I still cannot see anything under Table. So. I am confused about how to define a new driver in a mapset.

I do as follows:
eval `g.gisenv`
(This creates the environment variables for GISDBASE, etc.)
db.connect driv=sqlite database=$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite.db

g.copy vect=old,new
to create a new copy of the original vector. The original will still have its attrib table as dbf. THe new copy will have an sqlite based attribute table.
Now you can do:

v.db.addcol <new_vector> col="..., ..." .

BTW, I think that v.rast.stats will automatically create the needed columns .


Thank you again,


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:
On 01/03/2012 04:50 PM, Bulent Arikan wrote:
Dear List,

I rasterized a centroid and ran 'r.univar', whose extended stats are saved as a text file. Then, I ran 'v.db.addtable' to create a second layer in the attribute table of the centroid and I had columns added in this second layer using 'v.db.addcol'. I want GRASS to upload values from the text file but I am not sure how to perform this task. 

Is there a shorter way of creating a second layer and uploading values from the text file or what should I do next so that the columns in the second layer will be populated using the text file I have?

I'm not sure about a shorter way, but here's an option:
First setup your mapset to save attributes to sqlite.
> v.db.connect centroid driver=sqlite database=....

Now add the columns which will accept r.univar values to the sqlite table:
> v.db.addcol centroid col="n double, null_cells double, cells double, min double, max double, range double, mean double, mean_of_abs double, stddev double, variance double, coeff_var double, sum double"

Run r.univar on your raster, putting results into a text file
> r.univar your_rast -g  > univar.txt

Now do this loop to update values for the centroid:
> while read l; do \
    col=`echo $l | cut -d= -f1`; val=`echo $l | cut -d= -f2`; \
    sqlite3 sqlite.db "UPDATE centroid SET ${col}=${val} ;"; \
> done < univar.txt

Assuming you want to run this for several centroids/areas, you'll probably want to add a WHERE clause to the UPDATE statement so as to put values for only one certain row (centroid).

HTH, Micha

Thank you for your time.

GRASS 6.5 svn on Snow Leopard


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Micha Silver
GIS Consultant, Arava Development Co.

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Koç University
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