Hi Markus,

I guess, yes, it was self compiled...?

i.e. downloaded compressed file from GRASS website, unzipped and
installed via terminal commands, along with suitable other packages as
per info in the readme's or on GRASS or Ubuntu websites.

I'm not doing it completely from scratch with binaries though.. as far
as I can tell ;-)

And it's not from Ubuntu repositories, 6.4.1 seems to be what's
available for my OS (too old!)

If you want more detailed steps of my setup, I'd kept some notes
somewhere in a text file about how i did it, can paste/email if wanted
(about a page of notes?)

I'll move towards using the svn release, but the reason I haven't done
so previously is that I didn't want to be working with something 'live'
in effect. I usually find out problems with GRASS when working on my own
data, not just testing GRASS on sample data, so thought sticking to
stable releases or RC's would reduce likelihood of me having corrupted
data with crashes etc. But to date, the most common suggestion to fix
any problem I 'find' in a stable release, is to upgrade to a RC or
svn... I guess others know better... ;-)


On Sun, 2012-01-01 at 22:30 +0100, Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Shane Litherland
> <litherland-f...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > this seems to be a serious thing!
> >
> > wxGUI, ubuntu 10.04, GRASS 6.4.2RC2;
> where did you get this from? Self-compiled?
> > I created a new vector 'testing_vectors' for troubleshooting.
> > obviously it was empty to start with.
> >
> > I chose 'digitize' from the listbox on top-right of map display window,
> > then selected the vector from listbox that appears with digitizing
> > tools.
> >
> > I proceeded to select 'area' tool, and draw an area. when I used the
> > right-mouse click to finish/close the area, GRASS crashed (as in all
> > windows shut down, disappeared, only the terminal that I used to start
> > GRASS was still there, no messages or anything in it).
> I have tested the digitizer these days from 6.4.svn and it worked ok.
> Martin has done some optimizations in the past 48 hours :)
> If you compile yourself, consider to switch to the 6.4.x release branch
> version (stable), which continuously receives bugfixes, using
> the command:
> svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4
> grass64_release
> If you could work with that, we know if there are still unfixed bugs left.
> thanks
> Markus

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