On 09/01/12 20:42, leonidas wrote:
I created a raster using *r.grow.distance*
I need to rescale that file to a scale 0-255 but in reverse order where high
values in distance file will be converted in low values to the rescaled
I'm using the following command:

>r.recode input=dist_file output=recoded_file <<EOF

[BTW: I don't know how you formatted your mail, but for me the above three lines showed as:


But the output file has a range 60-255
What's going wrong?
Is there any better way to do that?

Are you sure that 133000 is the max of your map in the region you are using ? Be aware that r.info gives the info for the whole map, ignoring region settings and a possible mask. You can use r.univar or r.stats to see the max in the current region/mask.

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