I tried the short one of course , worked perfectly ;-)

Thanks a lot for your efforts. 



On Mon, 2012-02-13 at 03:06 -0800, Hamish wrote: 

> Moritz wrote:
> > With options first and multi v.build.polylines just copies
> > the attribute tables as is, i.e. it does not delete any
> > lines for which there are no more category values in the
> > vector file.
> > 
> > To create an attribute table that corresponds to the current
> > vector amp with the following steps (supposing that the
> > vector map is called river_poly):
> > 
> > db.copy from_table=river_poly to_table=river_bak # create
> > backup of existing table
> > v.db.connect -d river_poly # erase line between vector map
> > and table river_poly
> > db.droptable river_poly # erase table river_poly
> > v.db.addtable river_poly # create new table for vector map
> > river_poly
> > 
> > If you do all this using an SQL backend (e.g. SQLite or
> > PostgreSQL), you can then use v.db.join to join any
> > attributes from the original table river_bak to the new
> > table river_poly.
> would 'v.extract list=1-9999999' also work?
> Hamish
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