On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:
> On 03/14/2012 03:55 PM, Tyler Smith wrote:
> my prompt looks like this:
> GRASS 6.4.1 (dem):~ >
> The reference to the location '(dem)' stays, even after changing to
> another location. How do I make Grass update this?
> The new environment variables are stored in the 
> $LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/.bashrc file (if you're using bash). But this file is 
> not 'source'ed when changing mapsets. So you need to do:
> eval `g.gisenv`
> or manually reset the prompt:
> export PS1="GRASS-6.4.2 ($LOCATION_NAME) \w > "


There is no .bashrc file in the mapset directory, so I take it I would
have to set that up for each mapset in each location?

Manually resetting the prompt works fine, after eval 'g.gisenv`, so
that is what I'm using now.


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