About a year ago I used v.in.ascii to create a point map and save the
attribute data in a postgres table. Now I already have those data in a table
and want to create a points map using the geographic coordinates (x=col 2,
y=col 3), but associating the holeid and other attributes with each point.

  I've run db.connect and db.login within the project location/mapset and
now need to create a vector point ('sites') map from these data. The table
schema is,

CREATE TABLE boreholes (
  easting NUMERIC(13,6) NOT NULL,
  northing NUMERIC(13,6) NOT NULL,
  surf_elev REAL,
  holedepth INTEGER,
  purpose VARCHAR(16),
  lithology VARCHAR(16),
  hole_diam REAL,
  well_diam REAL,
  flow_gpm REAL,
  h2o_elev REAL,
  comment TEXT

  Can I use v.in.ogr to create a GRASS vector map from these data?

  If not, I can create an ASCII text file of the data and use v.in.ascii to
create the map. If this is the way to proceed, I suppose that I need to
empty that database table so the column values will be loaded as v.in.ascii

  Or, have I completely missed how to do this?



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