On Fri, 6 Apr 2012, Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote:

- is the elevation exactly the same map used to calculate accumulation?


  I re-ran each step and saw the same error when r.stream.extract uses the
weighted accumulation map.

  r.info map=dem10m.avg:

Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255             |
   Data Type:    DCELL
   Rows:         2671
   Columns:      3216
   Total Cells:  8589936
        Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
            N:     735780    S:     655650   Res:    30
            E:    2138580    W:    2042100   Res:    30
   Range of data:    min = 561.412536621094  max = 2212.32543945312

  r.info map=dem10m.acc.weighted:

Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255             |
   Data Type:    DCELL
   Rows:         2671
   Columns:      3216
   Total Cells:  8589936
        Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
            N:     735780    S:     655650   Res:    30
            E:    2138580    W:    2042100   Res:    30
   Range of data:    min = -60301.3530574744  max = 3455.01235646488

  The error is: Accumulation map does not match elevation map! Could the
range of elevation data be the issue? The weighting formula multiplies
tangential curve values < 0 by -100 * tangential curve values.


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