Am 12.06.2012 um 13:25 schrieb Markus Metz:

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Johannes Radinger <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I doing species distribution modeling in R using the package
>> 'dismo'[1]. The predict() function produces a output raster file
>> with the prediction of the species distribution. The file which is created
>> is a grd file + a gri file.
>> What is the Format i need to set when I want to import this file into GRASS 
>> GIS
>> using
> With you can not set the format to be imported, this is
> automatically determined by the gdal library. If gdal does not
> recognize the format (e.g. gdalinfo), will not be able to
> import it.
> The default output raster format of the predict() function is the one
> used by writeRaster() which in turn uses the default of writeFormat().
> The predict() function accepts additional arguments for file writing
> as for writeRaster(), so you could try predict(format="GTiff") to
> write a GeoTiff raster.

Thank you! setting the output format of predict() to Gtiff works perfectly!


> HTH,
> Markus M
>> Has anyone experience with that specific ouput format and can suggest what 
>> to do?
>> /Johannes
>> [1]
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